High Net Worth Home Insurance

 High Net Worth Home Insurance sometimes referred to as High-Value home is a form of home insurance policy for individuals with higher than average Buildings or Contents value. The definition of what falls into the category of above-average values varies between insurers but generally, it’s anything that doesn’t usually fall into normal home insurance limits such as above £500k Buildings Rebuild Value and £100k Contents. There are a number of providers of this form of policy as well as similar policies for Mid Net Worth clients which is for individuals on the way to High Net Worth or “Emerging high net worth”. This means a tailored approach is essential to get the covers suitable for individual needs.

Often the standard covers insurers will provide are higher and valuations particularly for contents will not be required. Insurers will also request that some sums insured for contents are broken into categories, which allows the policy to be designed around the client’s needs and highlights items more likely to be lost or stolen, such as:

  • Jewellery and Watches
  • Antiques
  • Artwork
  • Guns and Furs
  • And Others

There are a number of advantages of this form of policy over a standard package of home insurance, some of these features are:

  • Worldwide All Risks Cover
  • Single item limits typically higher than standard insurance policies
  • Higher limit on Buildings sum insured
  • A tailored approach, particularly separating out high risk contents items

Contact us today if you feel your situation is suited to this form of policy or if you want more information. You may find that High Net Worth Home insurance fits your needs and finding cover is easier and potentially cheaper than standard policies.

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